The Goff.

supreme1.jpgThis is the Fourth Letter of Lore177.
16/05/2008 20:02 (cell’s time) 8:00PM (computer’s time) where from the First Time we have the 02 20 inverses and from the Second Time we have 8, the Weaver of Fate.
Dear Lore
I have a note from the Notebook to quote (and stuff quoted within the note):
16/05/2008 19:36 or 199 and the day is again a 7/5 (the day my DOG died) as 1 + 6 = 7) and I miss my DOG so much!
I read the message of “Starchild” on “Spiritlibrary” today on internet and with the comment I left (as I felt like saying something), after I have written the comment, I realized but that is how the emptiness of souls in the Goth (some early prediction of the end of times that there will be no more souls in the Goth), was going to be like – that I have actually been there! And here is the quote of what the comment was I wrote to “Starchild”:
16/05/2008 3:48PM, comment on Starchild’s post on Spiritlibrary.

“Dear Starchild

I was finding your article/post about our planet’s change very interesting until I got to the point where you told us that in the 16th 17th centuary, God saw we were either going to destroy ourselves or who knows what?

Maybe that was so, but I have a much more positive attitude than giving the human race the blame for all that is to be and had to be. I believe there has been a Divine Plan altogether and that it will stay that way until God set the reset button for ALL to seize to exist. Until no soul is left and all that is left is us not being anything or anybody anymore.

That seems to coincide with the old traditional thing that the heaven will run out of souls – as we will all be ONE in the NO-thingness, not anybody being anybody anymore, just seizing to exist anymore. And I can say this as I have experienced that place already – the place where there are no souls anymore, where just nothing exist.
Maybe I am just my times way ahead? I do not know?


But what is also interesting is the number combinations in this whole “CHI”na dramas! (And coincidentally “Starchild” mention the volcano which she actually experienced – which also incorporates a “CHI”). The first thing I saw on CNN was that there has been 4400 (or a 44) aftershocks so far registered after the main earthquake that registered 9.8.

But what is also said (and I will quote it from “news24” on the internet), is that 122 of the aftershocks registered more than 4 on the richter scale. And the number combination of 122 is for me the combination of the discovery of the tomb of Tuntankamen. And the quote from “news24”:

“Aftershock triggers landslides
16/05/2008 12:01 – (SA)
As of late on Thursday, the affected region had experienced 122 aftershocks above four on the Richter scale, according to Chinese seismologists.”

But the third interesting thing that was mentioned on CNN was that the highest of ALL the aftershocks of the 9.8 Earthquake in “CHI”na, registered 6.5 – and we are 6.5 billion people on the planet and 65 the ultimate amount of dimensions there is and in which I can apparently move around in ALL.

And isn’t it weird that it is the year of the frog for zoo’s all around the world and that frogs were the omen (together with zebra’s) to show or foretell something is wrong, mother earth is foretelling that some planetary disaster is on its way with the frog plague. Like my one friend say: watch the animals – they know first when a planetary disaster is going to happen.
16/05/2008 19:43
(And I wonder what is up with the 34 and 43 number combinations coming up so much for me lately?)
16/05/2008 19:44

And the article about the frogs was in the Beeld newspaper today on page 1 as well as on the internet news station “news24”. It seems a lot is happening on the planet at the moment. But it seems this drama in “CHI”na (fter the heavy snowfalls in the beginning of the year) is worse than the drama nearly of 9/11. And it took place on 12/5 or 5/12 where 12 gives the 1 + 2 = 3 which makes it 35 or 53. And in the Third Letter of Lore177, I wrote about the 53 and 35 and also how I discovered it is also linked to Joan of Arc. Why is she cropping up all the time?


16/05/2008 20:25 (cell’s time) 8:24PM (computer’s time) where from the First Time, the cell time, we have that 20 hours is also 8PM and 8 + 25 = 33 and 33 + 20 = 53. So this link 53 to cell’s. But from the Second Time we have 8PM which is also 20 hours and
20 + 24 = 44 – the gamatria of the Hebrew Name of God that means: “I will be revealed at ever greater levels”.
NS. And all these events, my dog, the volcano, the cyclone and the earthquake after the previous full moon, the Wesak full moon. Hope the next full moon (after Wesak full moon) bring some hope! And the Buddhist religion linked to the Eastern countries


  1. I read similar article also named The Goth., and it was completely different. Personally, I agree with you more, because this article makes a little bit more sense for me

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